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         In 1970, Pastor Charles Sanders left Quitman, Mississippi and came Indianapolis to live with his brother. Shortly, thereafter, the Lord saved Pastor Charles; and he became a faithful brother who learned and lived God’s Word under Pastor Joe Hamilton’s leadership.  In August of 1977,Pastor Sanders began preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was later ordained in 1981.  After a few years, God called Elder Sanders to pastor; he began pastoring Collins Temple, which was later renamed to Loving Kindness Church of God in Christ, from 1985-1994.  Elder Sanders was installed as Pastor of Freedom Temple Church of God In Christ on January 14, 1995.


          Pastor Sanders has always exhorted the saints to pray, to praise, and to magnify God despite their present circumstances or situations. Pastor Sanders has a heart for young people; and is not only challenging young people to excel in school, but to: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you”. He says to take care of first things first.  If you make the decision to live saved first, everything else will fall into place. Pastor Sanders teaches & preaches scripturally-true Bible lessons and messages. Pastor Sanders, who has been and is now a faithful father, counselor, provider, friend, reprover, exhorter, and instructor, is also the ‘Watchman on the wall” who displays his love and care for the people of God; and is always there to help in any way he can. 


          Since its humble beginnings, Freedom Temple’s Moses, Pastor Joe Hamilton laid the foundation of holiness, which is the proven foundation for a promising future. Pastor Charles Sanders, the church’s Joshua, is carrying the church onward to the land of promise and equipping the saints for the journey that lies ahead.

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Born in Quitman, Mississippi, Emma Rose Sanders moved with her parents, Alfred and Willie Bell Hayes, to Indianapolis, IN in the early 1960’s. She is married to her wonderful husband of 43 years, Pastor Charles Sanders. Together they have 3 children Charlitha (LaMonte), Charleston (Algerita) and Charlotte and 9 grandchildren, Chelsea,

Kelsey, LaMonte, Samarrah, Jayden, Joshua, Makayla, Christopher and Madison.

     Emma had her first experience with Jesus Christ at the age of seven years old. From that moment, she has been endowed with the gift of knowledge. It was in 1981 when Emma received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Since that time, she continues to grow in the Lord.

     A nurse by profession and a mother by grace, Emma, known as “Mother Rose” by many, claims as her greatest title: “Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Her life’s works include service in many areas of the Church of God in Christ, and service to humanity worldwide and numerous awards and certificates.

     Mother Rose not only joyfully serves the greatest church in Christendom “her home church” Freedom Temple Church of God in Christ in Indianapolis, IN, but she works hard and diligently on the local and foreign mission fields.  She currently serves as Jurisdictional Supervisor of Liberia, West Africa overseeing projects of 80+churches and two orphanages in addition to the 4th Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Indiana North Central; with 50+ churches here in the United States of America. In Senegal, West Africa she oversees the annual costs of education of more than 100 children. Other countries with works dependent upon her support are: South Africa, Gambia, Congo, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Malawi and more recently a work in the South of France.

     As a great encourager to many, her word to the young is, “make up your mind what you want to be later and work on it now. As God sees you working, He will perfect you and make ways for you. Follow only those who use excellence as a guide and God as the compass, and your life’s dreams will never be lost.”

She defines her life with its challenges by the factual evidence of her favorite statement “God is faithful”.


          A prophecy fulfilled: “God is going to get a church out of a church”.  This God-given prophecy made by Missionary Willie B. Hayes to the saints at 22nd Street Church of God In Christ during a revival, moved eight saints who wanted more from God, to meet one Wednesday night in the home of Elder Hamilton to discuss and plan the start of a new church. Elder Hamilton, lovingly called Brother Joe, the only minister of the group, was asked to be their Pastor because they knew that the Lord had chosen him. They desired a pastor who would preach the Word of God and not ‘sugar-coat’ it. This quorum, who just had love one for another, agreed that they would do exactly what the Bible taught, enjoy Jesus, pray without ceasing, follow leadership, dress in modest apparel, and live what they were taught. The church was set up as an independent enterprise affiliated with the Church of God In Christ. They described themselves as plain people who wanted to be free to praise the Lord. Thus, Freedom Temple Church of God In Christ was formed on August 26, 1964.

          The first worship service was held in the home of Brother and Sister McFarland. In about three weeks, God blessed the church to move to 2832 E. 25th Street. Soon after, The Lord blessed the church with another building.  They moved to 2715 Eastern Avenue.  Freedom Temple’s motto was established while on Eastern Avenue: “The family that prays together stays together”. Through prayers, God blessed the church to grow. There were four deacons, one brother, three mothers, three missionaries, and a host of laymen and children. The Eastern Avenue church caught on fire because of a malfunctioning oil stove.  While the members were restructuring and renovating, the city put a ‘stop work’ on the building. Freedom Temple church moved to a big white house on the northwest corner of 25th and Gale Street. The church members started meeting in different homes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:00 noon for prayer. 

          Mother Grace Anderson, Mother Lure McFarland, Mother Willie B. Hayes, and other members of the church sold barbeque and fish dinners every weekend to raise funds to construct a new church building. The women of the church helped in every aspect of the new build including digging the foundation. The saints moved into the new building located at 2506 N. Gale Street.

          The church continually grew. On August 15, 1980, the church moved to it’s current location of 2101 Brookside Avenue. It was at this location, that Pastor Hamilton created the benedictory statement of “The Devil is Defeated, God is Exalted, and Jesus is Lord!Brother Joe passed away on Thursday, October 6, 1994. Bro. Joe often said that ‘only what you do for Christ will last’.  Bro. Joe was known for his straightforward manner and “didn’t take no stuff”.

          After Pastor Hamilton’s passing, God sent Elder Charles Sanders back to Freedom Temple to be the Pastor.  Elder Sanders was installed as Pastor of Freedom Temple Church of God In Christ on January 14, 1995. Pastor Sanders, like Pastor Hamilton, teaches & preaches scripturally-true Bible lessons and messages. Pastor Sanders, who has been and is now a faithful father, counselor, provider, friend, reprover, exhorter, and instructor, is also the ‘Watchman on the wall” who displays his love and care for the people of God; and is always there to help in any way he can in times of need. He exhorts the saints to pray, to praise, and to magnify God despite their present circumstances or situations.

          Freedom Temple really became a mission-minded church under the leadership of Pastor Sanders. Saints visit and expound upon the Word of God in the nursing homes, jails, prisons, and care centers. Freedom Temple Church also ministers to the community through offering free home cooked meals and tutoring every Wednesday evening.  Many mission trips have been made to Africa and Haiti; and many containers have been shipped to help our brothers and sisters in foreign lands.

          Freedom Temple is and has always been a Bible-believing, spirit-led, family church.  There are no flaky doctrines, or spiritual fads.  The messages are scripturally true and balanced.  We believe in having old-fashioned church, showing old-fashioned love, and experiencing a fresh anointing from God. 



We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written Word of God.


We believe that there is only One God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and, God the Holy Spirit.


We believe in the blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return.


We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ.


We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation.


We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer.


We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for Him.


We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in the present world.

Freedom Temple Church Of God In Christ

2101 Brookside Avenue

Indianapolis, IN 46218

(317) 638-7446

Pastor Charles Sanders 

Pastor's Wife Emma Rose Sanders

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